Why Your Dog Needs Extra Attention Now That School’s Back
As the school year begins and your kids head back to their classrooms, your dog might find himself feeling a bit left behind. After months of summertime fun, their daily routine is suddenly disrupted. This change can leave many dogs feeling lonely, restless, or even...
How to Tell If a Cat Is Happy
So what are some behaviors you might look for to know if your cat is happy? Here are nine signs of a happy cat: Purring Purring is one of the signs that most people recognize as a sign of a happy cat. For the most part, if a cat is purring, you can be assured that...
Pet Theft Awareness: Tips for Keeping Your Pets Safe
Owners should always be mindful of their pets’ safety. Pet theft is a growing problem locally, with many pets “disappearing” from their homes. While pet theft can happen to any pet and any owner, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the likelihood...
Why You Should Let Your Dog Stop and Sniff on Their Walks
When you take your dog out for a walk, do you let her stop and sniff around? If not, you might want to reconsider. Though it may seem like she’s just being lazy and trying to waste time, stopping to smell the roses (or, in this case, the fire hydrant) is really...
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