How to be Your Pet Sitter’s Favorite Client

A good pet sitter is dedicated to providing the best possible care for  your pet in your absence.  But even the most trustworthy, experienced sitter can run into trouble if you don’t make sure that your responsibilities are met. 

To ensure that your name goes on the “Great Client List,” be certain you take care of the following:

  • Make reservations with your sitter early, especially during holidays.  If you need recurring services, make sure to let your sitter know.
  • Pay promptly for your services as provided in your contract.
  • Ensure your pet is well socialized and allows strangers to handle him.
  • Spay or neuter your pet.
  • Affix current identification tags to your pet’s collar.
  • Provide a well-fitted collar or harness and a sturdy leash for walks.
  • Ensure your pet’s vaccinations are current.
  • Be specific about pet-care responsibilities and emergency contact information, including how to reach you and your veterinarian.
  • Leave pet food and supplies in one place.
  • Keep extra pet supplies on hand in case you’re away longer than planned.
  • Provide two copies of your keys for the sitter, or give a key to a trustworthy neighbor as a backup, and give him and your sitter each other’s phone numbers. Be sure those extra keys work before giving them out.
  • Show the sitter your home’s important safety features such as the circuit breaker, main water cut-off and security system.



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