The Initial Consultation with Your Pet Sitter/Dog Walker – What to Expect

Before confirming any services with new clients, we will schedule an initial consultation. At this meeting, the Pet Sitter will visit you and your pets at your house.

Whether you are scheduling a Pet Sitter for visits while you are out of town, or you are booking a Dog Walker, it’s important for you and your pets need to meet with them to make sure it’s a good match.

Why an Initial Consultation is Important

#1. You can get to know us and we can get to know you and your pets.
Leaving your home and your pets in the care of a stranger takes a leap of faith. We appreciate your apprehension and want you to feel confident that your home is safe, and your pets are happy with your Pet Sitter. The initial consultation provides an opportunity for all parties to meet and exchange important information. It’s the perfect time to ask questions and establish expectations for the engagement.

We want you to have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your pets are happy and that your home is well cared for.

#2. To make sure that we are a good match for your pets.
We want you to have confidence in the person who will be caring for your pets. The initial consultation provides an opportunity for you and your pets to meet the Pet Sitter and interact with them.

If you feel that your Pet Sitter is not a good match for you and your pets, that’s not a problem. We will happily work with you until we match you with the right person.

We want you to travel away happy and confident that you have the perfect Pet Sitter for your pets.

#3. To allow us to fully understand your pet care routine.
The initial consultation allows us to review the details of your care regimen. We need to know exactly how you want us to care for your pets. We will review the notes you have made in each pet’s profile and ask more details about things like:
• What/how much do you want us to feed them?
• Where do you feed them?
• When do you feed them?
• Where are the cleaning supplies and the garbage?
• Where do you walk your dog? Is there a dog nearby your dogs don’t like? Are there places you want us to avoid with your dog?

#4. To understand your pet’s environment
Every pet has a different routine and we want to duplicate that routine as much as possible in your absence, lessening your pet’s stress. Sleeping arrangements, hiding locations, favorite ways to play; it’s important that we know what they like to do so we can make sure their routine doesn’t change while you are way. The more detail you can give us, the better the experience everyone will have.

#5. To ask any questions you have.
The initial consultation is your opportunity to ask any questions you have about the services we offer. We want you to be happy with everything before you go away.

Your complete peace of mind is our goal. We want you to feel comfortable and be confident in our services – able to enjoy your travel, knowing we are safeguarding your most prized possessions.




  1. Lisa Bonney

    Looking to arrange dog sitting

    • Prancing Poodle

      Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for reading. We would be happy to help you arrange dog sitting for your pet. Please provide more details about your dog sitting needs through our Contact Form and we will be in touch to make those arrangements.


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